Best Practices for Creating a Vision for Your Team


Take the Vision Quiz

  1. Do you seek closure and strive to make decisions and finalize plans quickly and prefer not to revisit options once they are decided?

Best Practice: Leaders who remain open enjoy entertaining new ideas and possibilities and don’t hurry to finalize plans.

  1. Do you tend to prioritize details and pay close attention to the individual elements of a project to make sure they are workable?

Best Practice: People who prioritize the big picture tend to focus on the broad, overall view of an idea or project.

  1. Are you cautious and try to minimize risk and uncertainty?

Best Practice: People who are adventurous enjoy the excitement of taking risks and are comfortable with the unknown.

  1. Do you tend to hold back and hesitate to say anything that might be challenged or put your credibility on the line?

Best Practice: People who speak out tend to be willing to volunteer bold ideas, even if it will put their credibility on the line.

  1. Are you a leader who decides...
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