MENTOR ME! The Inspired Leadership Program

MENTOR ME! teaches leaders the nine most important skills they need to have in order to be successful. These are the best practices in business today!

At the beginning of their personalized leadership development program, participants work with a coach to complete a coaching results form to help participants stay focused and assure progress through the program. If the organization is paying for this program, we set up a process to ask bosses for developmental opportunities for participants.

Topics include:

Understanding Leadership Style 
Mastering Your Time 
Change Management 
Improving Performance
Building A Strengths-Based Team
Resolving Conflict 
Improve Hiring

Webinars: Participants in the MENTOR ME! program participate in nine consecutive ninety minute webinars weekly on the key topics. Webinars are delivered via ReadyTalk and participants are actively engaged in an online classroom environment.

Private Coaching: This is the best part! MENTOR ME! includes 6 personalized coaching sessions, so participants have access to a Registered Corporate Coach™ who will help them achieve greater levels of performance.

Videos: Participants have access to video modules containing the content from the webinars and private coaching meetings. 

Personalized coaching sessions are one hour, so participants have enough time to think through barriers and next steps with their coach. Each session is personalized for the participant to focus on their goals, bring their most difficult problems and opportunities to the coaching meetings, and have an experienced business coach help them to develop action steps. Since the coaching meetings are spread out through a ten-week period, participants have time to follow through on commitments and the coaching meetings create increased levels of accountability for participants to apply the concepts in their workplace.

The business owner/HR manager benefits because I develop a manager into a confident leader  who understands their talents and is motivated to apply them in their workplace.

The manager understands their talents and is more confident and effective! 

Drive the succession planning process in your organization and enroll your managers today!

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5 mistakes new leaders make that cause poor performance, disengagement and conflict.